5000 Km

I have always been interested in urban landscape, how a person influences it and how it itself affects the formation of personality. How both change over time.

Kaliningrad has been my home for almost 30 years and I know all its corners. I have been in Bishkek for almost a year, studying its secrets, places of power and flaws. At first glance, there is nothing in common between the cities, but over time I begin to see more and more parallels. Both cities have a complex history, in which the years spent on the periphery of the sunk into the past empire have left their imprint.

I suggest you think about the reasons for their similarity, about their past and present, about how you would like to see your home in the future, and what everyone can do to ensure that it remains a place you want to return to.

5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography
5000 Km. Ilia Denbrov photography